KO KO’d Again
We lost track of Keef after he went to Current, mainly because we can’t get Current in Sandy Eggo, and last we checked, the podcast version only contained clips.
And, heck, we haven’t been above throwing spitballs at him on occasion.
But one of the highlights — if not the highlight — of our Accidental Blogging Career came the night Keith Olbermann featured our mock Christine O’Donnell billboard on MSNBC’s Countdown. And for that, we’ll always be grateful.
Keith Olbermann booted from Current TV effective immediately [Raw Story, via Redmanlaw]
My full statement [Keith Olbermann]
BozoGate: Adventures in Surrealism [Stinque, 10/6/2010]
TJ/ (sorry so soon in the thread) Docs Reveal FBI Used Muslim Outreach As Guise to Collect Intel
Just saw an ex-prosecutor from Fla who pointed out that since Zimmerman arrived at the jail in handcuffs he had already been ARRESTED. Why he wasn’t booked and charged becomes the question.
@Benedick: Because this dude said not to: http://sa18.state.fl.us/nwbio.htm
Meanwhile: Keef is suing? Oh, to be a fly on the wall for the depositions.
@chicago bureau: Also, Keef’s letting it be known that the Not-Al Current cofounder was the inspiration for the movie Philadelphia. And not in a good way.
Funny, that didn’t stop him from signing on in the first place.
Never saw Keef except on his ESPN stints.
My understanding, he’s a raging egomaniac. On the other hand, he also busted the New York Yankees for stealing signs on opening day last year when he tweeted a photo of their scout with a walkie talkie. As a Jays fan, I found it very amusing and anger inducing that later in the season they would accuse the Jays of doing the same after getting pummeled.
@ManchuCandidate: Thing is, Keef’s a world-class ranter. He makes it look easy. He makes it look so easy, you don’t realize what a gift he has until you watch Lawrence O’Donnell rant.
@nojo: Here’s the thing, though. I thought the movie was based on Geoffrey Bowers, fired from Baker McKenzie for being HIV+. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geoffrey_Bowers
I think Clarence Cain was black. http://articles.philly.com/1992-10-28/news/25997926_1_aids-task-force-cain-case-clarence-cain/1 and I always wondered why Tom Hanks played him.
I guess Philadelphia was a mixture of the two so neither man’s family would have to be paid.
Mebbe black folks don’t get HIV, even on the down low. Naw. They don’t sell movie tickets unless they’re Will Smith or Tyler Perry.
@Benedick: darling: I said to my husband recently, “As Benedick says, as the actress said to the the bishop (which i have never understood, not really)., to which he riposted “better pick up the pace, Your Grace.”
@lynnlightfoot: Oh, hi! I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Swedish version), and I loved it. Was it you who said the US version didn’t suck?
ADD: I never understood that actress/bishop thing, either, so thank you! Bene writes in riddles. Or Scottish.
@Lost in the Negative Space: Yes, but who fired him?
Oh wow. I’ve managed to avoid the comments on The Arizona Republic for a couple of years, but Moonbattery? (not linking) Holy shit!
Speaking of Sport, here in Beijing the Beijing Ducks (I’m not making this up) won the Chinese Basketball Assn championship last night, led by 41 points from washed-up NBA nutjob Stephon Marbury. If they had elections here, Marbury could get elected Mayor of Beijing.
@Dodgerblue: Did Starbury actually play well?
@Dodgerblue: God, they have Sport there, too?
The actress/bishop is a mostly London theatrical tag that can make anything sound filthy. Used, in my case, ironically by recognizing its hoariness. The juxtaposition of a bishop (supposed to be virtue incarnate with a weakness for port and trips to the West End) with an actress (traditionally a woman of easy virtue) makes the joke, such as it is. It benefits from repetition, the trick being to add it to a sentence to which it has no direct bearing but, when added, becomes unexpectedly filthy. As the actress said to the bishop (one can’t help but wonder where they are and under what circumstances.) It belongs to the world of the seaside postcard. A lecture I’ll save for another time.
@Lost in the Negative Space: BTW. Carbon offset willow is OK if somewhat battered by deer. But it’ll grow back. The old crippled willow was given totally cool crutches cut from the fallen trees, and then held up with wires and trimmed. It looks better than ever. I’ll post pictures.
@Benedick: Deer need to eat, too. Good. Alas, said the actress to the bishop, I no longer have access to le livre des visages. Quel dommage.
@ Negative Space a few back:
Yeah, but m0re nekkid Rooney Mara flesh in the US version versus maybe better acting by Noomi Rapace. So I’m genetically conflicted, acting vs flesh even at my age of 71. Shit, I’m proud to still get my interest up at my age. Of course I’d do either of ’em, given the unlikely chance [unless my $1 MegaTicket wins tonight].
@RevZafod: I’ll take the better acting. You can see nekkid folk anytime (thank me for previewing the Fleshbot link and not including it.)
@Benedick: Shorter explanation: It’s Limey for “That’s what she said.”
@Lost in the Negative Space: He got 41 pts and 7 rebounds against a defense that could generously be called
lax. The Ducks were underducks going into the championship and wound up trashing the favored Tigers, who also have two washed-up former NBA players, four games to one. NBA basketball is hugely popular here, lots of posters of Kobe Bryant etc advertising high-end products. As the Colorado concierge can attest.
@lynnlightfoot: Oh my God, that is my new favorite thing.
@Benedick: Pick up the pace, your Grace!
@mellbell: Exactly.
You do all understand that I don’t actually say it in real life? Much.
@RevZafod: “Naked woman, naked man – where did you get that nice sun tan?”
@Dodgerblue: No Linsanity? Or is he verboten in mainland China because his parents are from Taiwan?
@Benedick: And, right on cue, let’s welcome the Wall Street Journal:
When the Archbishop Met the President
Say no more.
@Tommmcatt Wears A Hoodie Daily: I’m delighted that you like it too. Having been married to him for, oh God, more than forty years now, I have amassed quite a collection of his wonderful one-line jokes, but that may be his masterpiece. A lot of them I’ve forgotten about until I come across them reading in old journals, but I’ll never forget that one. Might even arrange to have it put on his tombstone or mine!
@Lost in the Negative Space: sorry no, i haven’t seen girl with dragon tattoo. thanks for the friendly nod.
NOJO • The Reckoning Four years later: Uhhh, how’d that work out?
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread @nojo: yeah. I had a feeling you’d say that.
NOJO • Hanging by a Thread @JNOV: Haven’t touched a thing — checked it the other day, worked from here. But that’s my…
JNOV • Hanging by a Thread Oh! My edits worked! Praise nojo!
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NOJO • The Values We Profess @nojo: Also, I love saying stuff like “heading uptown”. Brooklyn is fun!