Governor Goodhair Goes Gray?
Texas secession sympathizer Rick Perry may have warbled the Song of the South a decade earlier than we thought:
A 1998 voting guide published by a leading neo-Confederate group and obtained by Salon not only endorses Perry for lieutenant governor but also describes him as “a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.” Perry’s office did not respond to a request for comment about the governor’s possible membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans.
However, there’s a catch in the Salon story — we’re talking about two groups, only one of which was openly secessionist in 1998. And Perry didn’t join that group.
But what the heck, let’s see what the secessionist group is about:
The League of the South is a Southern Nationalist organization whose ultimate goal is a free and independent Southern republic. To reach this goal, we intend to create the climate for a free South among our people by 1) de-legitimating the American Empire at every opportunity; 2) by proving our willingness to be servant-leaders to the Southern people; and 3) by making The League of the South a strong, viable organization that will lead us to Southern independence.
On the other hand, the Sons of Confederate Veterans — whose records don’t go back that far, so they can’t confirm Perry’s possible membership — was still mostly limited to memorabilia and such at the time, so even if Perry did join, we don’t know whether he was an asshole about it.
Result: Yes, Rick Perry was endorsed by idiots in 1998, a fact he can easily disown. (And who isn’t endorsed by idiots in a given election?) Unlike, say, his current Preacher Problem.
Rick Perry’s Confederate past [Salon]
America’s Losers bumper sticker [Stinqueria]
Can somebody explain to these “League of the South” morons that the federal checks will stop coming? Offer to hold their shoes for them while they figure out the financial impact. ;)
What the hell is a “servant-leader”? Is it like a slave owner?
Edit: Oh, also, isn’t this League of the South effectively an organization whose ultimate goal is treason? I, uh. I’m not sure how I feel about my IP address being logged by their servers now. . . .
@finette: Well, on the upside, turning the south into a third-world country would most likely bring industry back state-side, so . . . there’s that, I guess.
@finette: In the “be careful what you wish for” dept., an immunologist friend of min always wanted to work in a third world country. He’s now at the U of Mississippi Medical School.
@JNOVjr: The non-union South has long been America’s go-to area for cheap labor. Post WWII, the textile industry moved its mostly New England-based mills to the Southeast, especially to SC.
Speaking of secession, looks like Nojo may have to move a few counties north. Like southern states, these counties (except for a couple) are net-consumers of state money. Would love to have more of my state income tax sticking around the Bay Area.
@Mistress Cynica: I, uh. I didn’t pay attention during history class. Like, ever.
@SanFranLefty: Actually, a northward lurch of World Domination Headquarters is being actively discussed. Nojo in NoHo?
@nojo: Honey, if you want to live in the Gay part of town it is West Hollywood, not North Hollywood.
It’s okay. Breathe. We’re all here to support you. It’s a big step, I know. I know.
Benedick, I need a hand here. Breakthrough time! By the way, Blu-ray player for this one, right?
@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: NoHo or Silver Lake. Must be convenient distance from UCB Hole in the Wall Theatre.
@nojo: Well, Silverlake is okay. It is the destination of choice for ….older boys. Like us.
@nojo: How about Nojo in NoPa?
We’re kind of Third World-ish out here in New Mexico and Indian Country in general.
There’s a whole lot of stupid in Texas, I am embarrassed to say. Rick Perry disgusts me.
Right now though I am feeling a whole lot of love for a former member of ‘america’s team’ Michael Irvin
@SanFranLefty: Been there, done that. Alamo Square, anyway. Close enough for discussion.
@nojo: Silver Lake. Way hipper than NoHo, and closer to the ballpark.
@Dodgerblue: Why would he want to live closer to that clusterfuck?
@nojo: The fumes from the tourist buses probably made it suck.
@texrednface: I know! Michael Irvin! WTF? Though I’m an Emmit Smith girl through and through.
@Dodgerblue: On a cheerier subject, did you check out the linque to Hope Solo photos I gave you?
Ironically, my recreational women’s soccer team has a game at the same time as the Women’s World Cup Finals. The teams may need to mutually forfeit.
@Dodgerblue: Way hipper than NoHo
You’ve got Silent Creative Partner’s attention right there. He needs to be among his own kind.
and closer to the ballpark.
Griffith Park’s more my speed, but Silver Lake looks close enough.
We’re trying to figure out field-trip logistics right now, since walking the pavement is the only way we can be certain where to land. But this is also a “sometime in the next year” plan, so I’ll be Dominating from Sandy Eggo for awhile yet.
@nojo: I have friends who live there, when you’re ready to hit the streets.
@SanFranLefty: Joint motion for a continuance.
Just when I thought this week month year couldn’t get any crappier, I get an email from my godson: he’s deploying to Afghanistan on Friday. We’re gonna need more booze.
@Mistress Cynica: Forward or in the rear? The place he’s going to makes a difference. You should send him a St Michael’s retablo. We regularly send blessings to the armed forces at Mass.
@nojo: I love Hell LAy. When we were there in March, I made it clear to Mr. ¡A! that we’ll be moving if I get a good job there after graduation. (It’s July and our heat is still on in Seattle, ’nuff said).
My cousin lives off Wilshire near LACMA, and it’s a great area. Rents are reasonable, the Grove’s nearby, and you’re near the center of things geographically, so it’s not too difficult to get to the other parts of the city without having to venture onto the hellacious freeways, for which I always re-enact the notorious freeway scene from Clueless.
Oh and I should add that the public transit is so cheap that it’s basically free. We took Santa Monica’s Big Blue Bus to UCLA and it was a $1! Mostly I’ve liked the people whenever I’ve visited–very outgoing and friendly.
@Mistress Cynica: Saying a prayer to the FSM for your gs now.
@¡Andrew!: I have this bizarre fascination with the ahistoricity of Southern California. It’s an Eternal Present down here — nobody gives a shit about the missions — and while the Northwest doesn’t have much of a past either, it’s still much more grounded.
SoCal used to unnerve me. Now I revel in it.
@nojo: They invented their own history. There are countless architectural treasures–I have a 500-page copy of Los Angeles: An Architectural Guide–and it’ll take years to see them all. Plus all of the filming locations, the fantastic food, the art scene and the prevalence of Hispanic aesthetics and language make for a rich cultural mosaic that’s far too frequently denigrated for no reason. And did I mention that it only rains there 35 days a year vs 300 days a year in Sea-town?
@RML: Kabul. He’s in the Intelligence unit.
@!Andrew: thanks, darling.
@Mistress Cynica: He’ll be cool, unless they send him Out There.
@nojo: Dude, the Past is alive here in Santa Fe. A WASP marrying into s Hispanic colonial family is at a distinct disadvantange here.
@Mistress Cynica: He should be fine, Cyn. All of the civvies I know in Kabul think highly of their limited (10-12 month) tours, multiple RnRs, and the near immediate promotion that awaits them when it’s over. The battle rattle guys may not have it so well or so short, so FSMspeed to him.
@¡Andrew!: And did I mention that it only rains there 35 days a year vs 300 days a year in Sea-town?
You don’t need to. I have Eugene weather programmed on my iPhone for shits & giggles.
@redmanlaw: It really hit home for me years ago, watching 400 Blows. In an early scene, the kids run around ancient Paris — Roman Paris. You grow up with that, you have a much different sense of time than in the Northwest, where a century is about as far back as you can go.
Same thing growing up in a Native/Hispanic tradition, I would imagine…
hi y’all ! i be logged in!!
rick perry doesn’t govern, he prays. @texrednface:
in case i lose it again, remind me that my new passcode is on the back cover of my appt. book.
@Mistress Cynica: First your Air and now this. My best wishes to you and to him.
@Tommmcatt Be Fat, And That Be That: The important thing is to be near to UCLA so he can catch the musical theatre workshop productions. WeHo is kind of far. Bentwood? But I think we can all agree this move is waaaaaaaayyyyyyy overdue.
@¡Andrew!: LA does have the most fab bus service in the country. Plus no one seems to use it. Plus Angelinos look at you like you’re crazy when you tell them you took the bus to Santa Monica. Plus the few people who do ride the bus seem to be able to spot genuine Cartier sunglasses from 15 ft away.
@baked: You couldn’t call your mother?
@Mistress Cynica: Oy vey. Lighting the St. Francis candle. If they keep him in the HQ at Bagram, he’ll be okay. If they send him to a Forward Operating Base, he’ll have to look out for guys taking potshots at him when he’s going to the mess hall or latrine, but otherwise the intelligence guys are normally at a desk. (Still scary as hell that something could be lobbed through the window, but they’re not out on patrols).
@SanFranLefty: Oh yes. You really have my best interests at heart. I’ve announced at chez Dodger that I’ll be using the good TV starting at 11 AM on Sunday.
@Benedick HRH KFC: You mean the Reprise series at the Freud? My wife and I go to a few of those. I saw “Kiss Me, Kate” there, and I have to admit that I love the “Brush Up Your Shakeeare” number.
@Dodgerblue: I’m announcing at Chez SFL that we will be getting a DVR on Saturday and it will be operational by Sunday at 11. Mr. SFL has refused to get one for years. I was a sad panda last night when I discovered ESPN3 was not replaying the game like they did on Sunday night.
@SanFranLefty: Get a DVR and a Roku box and you’ll never get off the couch again.
@Dodgerblue: That is the perfect number perfectly placed in a really first class show.
When you rehearse a big show like that (stop me if you know this) the cast all splits up into various rooms at various times: there’s a dance room, a music room, a scenes room, etc. So it’s not at all unusual that the smaller numbers don’t get seen by the whole cast till the first run-through. I remember when I was in that show in rep in England and we saw the whole show for the first time and that song began. You sit there watching it thinking “So this is why we’re here, is it? So you can sing this motherfucking song, you fuckers.”
Mind you, that show is packed with great moments. Where is the Life that Late I Led? (“Where is she, Momo? Who loved to chat so? Could still she be drinkin; in that stinkin’ pink palazzo?”); Wunderbar; I Hate Men (“He may have hair upon his chest, But, sister, so has Lassie”); Tom, Dick and Harry; Too Darn Hot; I’ve Come to Wive it Wealthily in Padua; We Open in Venice; So in Love and so on and so on.
The trick is to find a soprano with a sense of humor. Not as easy as one might think.
@Mistress Cynica: Dude should keep the M9 handy for meetings with local counterparts, however.
@Benedick HRH KFC: The trick is to find a soprano with a sense of humor. Not as easy as one might think.
Shannon Mercer singing Eric Idle’s “Not the Messiah” seems pretty game.
@Benedick HRH KFC: At the UCLA production I saw, they blew the roof off with “Too Darn Hot.” I also saw “Black Watch” at UCLA — I’ve never heard the word “cunt” used so often and as so many parts of speech.
@Dodgerblue: It’s a great score. And a pretty damn fine book, too. Sam and Bella Spewak. God bless you.
When I did it at Oxford, we had the usual lame-brain for musical director (no sense of humor) and we were rehearsing Tom Dick and Harry and there’s a hilarious, really funny section where the three guys get in a line behind Bianca singing “Dick, dick, dick. A-dicka-dick, dick dick,” over and over while she sings ‘scat’ over them. The men’s line modulates up a few times making it even more insistent. I could hardly sing I was laughing so much but the MD wanted to cut it. I said to him, “You don’t think it’s funny? Three guys in tights and codpieces singing “Dick, dick… ” etc. “You don’t think Cole Porter maybe meant that to be funny?”
It’s really childish and hugely sophisticated: a combo I love. God, it’s fun! You can imagine him sitting at the piano going “Tee-hee-hee!”
@nojo: They are out there. But they tend to get too involved with tessitura. And then it’s not nice. Tenors do the same.
@Dodgerblue: Any recommendation of brand of DVR? I took a look a CNet’s reviews and my head hurt.
@SanFranLefty: The best brand is “cheap”. I got one for $39 (seriously) about five years ago, and not a single regret.
Well, just one: this was pre-digital signal days, so up until the Big Switch I could run the cable line through the DVR and into the TV and record something while we watched something else. Now that the digital signal comes over the wire, the DVR can’t handle it – still, you can’t beat $8 a year in Use Value for an electronic device.
So, if I were looking today I’d probably make sure the DVR has a digital tuner.
@SanFranLefty: I’ve got the box that came with the Verizon FIOS package. I think the only important diff is how many hours of programming they store, amd remember that HD eats up a lot of real estate. Figure out how many hours you might need, then double it.
@SanFranLefty: My 2nd gen TiVo from 2002 still works. It’s the package that hurts. I bought one for a flat fee that’s good for the life of the machine. If this thing ever breaks, I’ll have it repaired.
@Dodgerblue: I thought about you just now as I was cutting guitar strings. I’d left them uncut for forever, and I thought, “I bet Dodger would never been seen letting these things wave around.”
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