If You Look Closely, You Can Actually Pinpoint the Exact Moment Her Mind Breaks in Two
While we’re in a festive mood today, let’s all gather around the digital hearth and enjoy Jan Brewer at… uh… um… er… last night’s Arizona governor debate.
[via Political Wire]
Larry Barry and Terry
and Huey Dewey and Brewer
that was painful to watch.
Arizonans have my sympathy.
This doesn’t help. At all.
All this national attention over a brain fart only helps Brewer for two reasons.
1) She’ll get sympathy from people here for all the shadenfreude over something that a ton of people who fear public speaking can relate to. The jokes about her improper use of the English language just feed right into the right wing’s derision about “Elites”.
2) By talking about this irrelevant bit o nothing, no one is talking about the lies she spewed during the rest of the debate. She lied about creating jobs. She lied about beheadings in the desert. She lied about balancing the budget. But hardly anyone’s talking about that so she gets away with it.
And yeah, I know it’s fun for you but I have to live here.
T/J: I’m going to see Bernstein’s Candide at the Hollywood Bowl tonight. How gay is that? Linque: http://www.hollywoodbowl.com/tickets/performance-detail.cfm?id=4278
@Dodgerblue: Nice piece of music. You ever heard or played the Mass?
Whoa… Napolitano really was the only cap on the KKKrazee.
We’ve got multiple initiatives on the Washington ballot, ranging from mandating the sell-off of state assets to restricting any tax increases to those with an impossible 75% legislative majority–each one more batshit insane than the last and some of which are actually contradictory, and all of them headed towards approval by large majorities–which’ll fiscally bomb our previously soundly-governed state back to the Stone Age.
(sympathy hug)
@¡Andrew!: That is the perfect setup for a really offensive joke (think little Dutch boy), but it’s truly better left unsaid.
In much funnier nooz, today is 9-02-10.
@FlyingChainSaw: Heard it, haven’t played it. Acoustics at the Bowl are not great, but they let you bring in wine and have a picnic in the seats.
will she win?
@¡Andrew!: Thanks. And yeah, Nappy pissed off a lot of Dems here when she left. She may not have a political career left in AZ after she’s done in DC.
@Capt Howdy: Yes. Her Democratic opponent is currently running 20 points behind on the strength of her SB1070 support alone. The only chance he has of gaining ground and pulling off an upset is if he grows a pair and starts hitting her hard and often over the cuts to education and lack of jobs in the state. But he’s basically Al Gore without the personality – all policy wonk and no political charm or fire. This is the 3d time he’s run for governor. Oh, and he’s in the closet. Got himself a beard and a kid a few years ago so he could win the AG race. But I know of no one who buys that (even among hardcore lefties who otherwise love him).
@Dodgerblue: Best overture ever. Don’t be late. Irksome that it should be Bernstein’s fucking Candide given all the fucking writers (Lillian Helman, John LaTouche, etc) who worked on it. But I guess it’s a concert so I should STFU. Failed on Bway: hit in London. The Prince version is depressingly philistine. But what glorious music. I used to try to sing some of Candide with my teacher: And Make Our Garden Grow. Ditto the Mass. Have fun. Rule of thumb: musical theatre is not really really gay unless it has either tap-dancing or Patty LuPone. If both ever happen together a rift will appear in the space-time continuum.
@Dodgerblue: Nice. Civilized. Hey, you check out the Brian Setzer live album from Japan?
@Benedick: Traffic has been light this week. I’m looking forward to this.
@FlyingChainSaw: No, but I will.
@Dodgerblue: Guy can play. Some of it’s just funny. Band really burns sometimes even on the corn. Just sent him a note telling him I’d buy him a beer if he covered ‘Radar Love’ with his big band.
@Dodgerblue: This would indeed be delightful at night, outdoors, with a picnic and a bottle of wine.
@FlyingChainSaw: Brian Setzer, I loved him in 1980, and love his christmas music, he reproduces a particular moment and a particular narrow style from the history of rock and roll, and its a neglected and important moment and style. He generally does it in a living and natural way, too, not a museum piece or an oldies act, but still, its so so narrow, you cannot listen to very many in a row before the genre is exhausted. I love him, I love what he does, and a song or two, its happy, happy enthusiastic and everything rock should be, but I don’t think I could listen to him for a whole concert.
The Reverend Horton Heat does all Setzer does, with more variety, I think, he does it better.
@FlyingChainSaw: And there’s the incomparable “Its Martini Time,” bad quality, but the best I could find: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp01uY4LW6c
And a last taste of the Reverend, Big Red Rocket of Love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRFFIgQFR0w&feature=related
Finally found a good studio version, very good, very typical Horton Heat, surf-guitar meets rockabilly.
@Benedick: And where did Young Nojo first hear the Candide theme?
Dick Cavett.
Just like Young Nojo was impressed with Beethoven’s work on the Huntley-Brinkley Report.
@Dodgerblue: Candide is an idiot. Lenny is my one true love. :-)
@¡Andrew!: You should’ve waited 12 more minutes, and you would have hit a double.
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