They’re quiet, unassuming but like all newspaper stories we’ve ever read about domestic murderers, we have to assume under that calm exterior lies the murderous rage of a insatiable killer. Thus the map:



We forget who laid it out for us a lifetime ago, but civilization is inherently fragile, and can collapse in an instant. Everything is handed off from one generation to the next, one life to the next, and the chain only goes back a few thousand years. We haven’t been at this very long.

The friend who explained this to us was Jewish. He had some specific examples in mind.

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huddled feces


Very strange looking dementia victim Donald Trump claims machine gunning orphanages and convents is a sacrament if he does it, one he and his sons find sexually exciting because only corpses find them attractive.

Big fat twisted Alzheimeroid Donald Trump sent his lawyers to claim he is entitled to machine gun orphanages, maternity hospitals and convents as long as he finds it entertaining – and anyone who disagrees is a commie who hates America whom he could order impaled instantly without trial.

“Yeah, it says so right in the Constitution, right after the part about the 13th Amendment being illegal,” shrieked Donald Trump as his lawyers attempted to get a Thorazine IV into his arm.

His son, Don, Jr., grunted in short, high-pitched squeaks and pulled on his genitals when the lawyers reviewed the bit about impalement, like the sick little freak that he is.

The Daily Beast reported: Judge Florence Y. Pan seemed shocked when the former president’s lawyer asserted that Trump could not be prosecuted for any crime committed during his time in office as long as it has the sheen of an “official act”—merely because he wasn’t impeached for it first.

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